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    The Gynaecology service at the Clínica del Río in Marbella offers the following consultations:

    Family Planning (Advice on contraceptives, IUD, subdermal implants, as well as the possibility of implementing the new transcervical sterilization system, ESSURE, without the necessity for anesthesia, etc.)

    Cervical pathology with cytological screening, possibility of HPV detection, Colposcopy, etc.

    Pelvic Floor Pathology in relation to urinary incontinence and genital prolapse

    Problems related to the Menopause, as well as its relevant treatment

    Information on and the possibility of advanced Gynecological Surgery: various hysteroscopy and laparoscopy techniques, among others.

    With our Obstetrics consultancy we offer you integral attention to maternal-foetal pathology from the point of view of controlling the pregnancy by carrying out:

    Prenatal Diagnosis

    High Resolution Morphological Ultrasound (20 weeks gestation)

    3D Ultrasound: ultrasound based on a scan of images which give the foetus an aspect of volume. It is recommended to do this between week 26 and 28 of the pregnancy. A DVD is provided with images and photographs on paper. This type of scan is not covered by the insurance companies.

    Control of the wellbeing of the fetus by means of tokocardiography (monitors).


    • Dr. Caridad Ortíz
    • Dr. Francisco González Carvajal

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    • Special breast unit
    • Diagnostic tests with digital mammography